01 January 2009

Universal Design for Web Applications

Universal design is a general principle, but it's used here as something of a coded term for two topics which are discussed in detail. One is designing for people with disabilities, and the other is designing for a variety of devices - PCs, laptops, PDAs, and most challenging of all, for mobile phones. The argument is that more people fall into the disability category than is generally realised, and that for huge numbers of users the mobile device is now the principal means of accessing Internet services. Fail to take these two factors into account, and you are automatically falling behind in providing what users want. The first important piece of advice these authors offer is that you should separate content from presentation in everything you design... Read more >>

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I like all these "new money" solutions to designing interfaces for web-browsers, I think the bleeding edge is as much about designing slick interfaces as it is about designing software that is interface agnostic. While web based interfaces are great, and do a lot to make technologies available and productive to new audiences, in many cases they can be suboptimal for more serious and sustained work. Furthermore, I think web browsers and javascript engines have some territory to cover with regards to reliability and efficiency before we can seriously consider them to be competitors for Cocoa/GTK+/windows APIs.

But it's a good start, and I don't ever want to criticize efforts to promote good design--which this seems to do--and straightforward design sensibilities.