05 October 2008

Woody Allen - Interiors

I watched Interiors for about the third or fourth time tonight - and thought once again what a thoughtful and well-composed piece of work it was. Woody Allen had a good run around this time, with September, Interiors, Hannah and her Sisters, and the best of the bunch Crimes and Misdemeanours. Nothing he's done since that time has matched the psychological depth and the seriousness of intent in these works.

The mise en scene, the lighting, and the colours of this piece are restrained, tasteful, and beautifully related to the action of the story - even to the extent of the grey, white, and brown of the Atlantic waves matching the colours of the rejected wife who drowns in them.


Good Small Films said...

The movies you mention are not really of the same period, but the stretch that began with Annie Hall and concluded with Crimes and Misdemeanors was remarkable. In fact, few directors have done so well.

Perhaps only A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy and September--I know you have high praise for it--were merely mediocre. But even there, they were not poor films. Just not to the same standard as the other films from that decade.

MANTEX said...

I take your point and agree with what you say. I just thought it worth mentioning the durability of works such as Interiors, September, and Crimes and Misdemeanors, given the poverty of his later works and the disappointment of almost all recent productions.