11 October 2008

Asus 901 eee PC

Well, I finally managed to get my mitts onto the Asus - via Amazon after all other sources had failed or run out of stock. I'm glad I waited for the 901 model, because the six to eight hour battery life really does make a difference.

Does it live up to expectations? Without a doubt. Yes - it's compact, neat, well-designed, and it performs like a dream. I took it out of the box, charged it up, and it located the home wireless network straight off. Then I took it to my new office and it did the same thing there.

Sure, the keyboard is small, but it's not much different than a normal laptop. The screen is sharp and colourful. And you can change the appearance of the desktop: I chose the user-friendly Ubuntu-styled 'Sunset' theme.

It comes with a full range of office tools and browsing software - all of which work fine. And I downloaded an open source FTP program and the graphics editor The Gimp in no time.

So far the ultra-portability has been most useful late at night. It's not trouble at all to be tapping away, working on a document in bed, and meanwhile tuned in to my private radio station, supplied by Last.fm.

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