27 May 2008

The Letters of Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf was one of the longest living (1880-1976) and the most distinguished members of the Bloomsbury Group. He was a writer, a publisher, a political activist, a proto environmentalist and animal lover, a loyal friend, cantankerous employer, and a devoted husband.What's not so well known about him is that in fact he had two 'wives' - the second technically married to somebody else - who happened to be his business partner. This definitive selection from his voluminous correspondence begins at Cambridge, with letters to his lifelong friend Lytton Strachey, and fellow apostles G.E.Moore and Saxon Sydney-Turner. The manner of these early writings is surprisingly arch, full of classical references and undergraduate Weltschmerz - though no doubt this reflects the turn-of-the-century social mood amongst such a privileged elite... Read more

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1 comment:

skipper said...

Fascinating stuff Roy